Controls and Instructions:
CTRL+NUMPAD0 to reload hack.
CTRL+NUMPAD1 to toggle subtle-aimbot
CTRL+NUMPAD2 to toggle triggerbot
CTRL+NUMPAD3 to print current settings
CRTL+F8 to close
By default, hold LMB(left mouse) to use aim-assist, and hold MMB(mouse wheel click) for triggerbot.
Controls and Instructions:
CTRL+NUMPAD0 to reload hack.
CTRL+NUMPAD1 to toggle subtle-aimbot
CTRL+NUMPAD2 to toggle triggerbot
CTRL+NUMPAD3 to print current settings
CRTL+F8 to close
By default, hold LMB(left mouse) to use aim-assist, and hold MMB(mouse wheel click) for triggerbot.
Statut: Undetected 14/05/2015
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