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You always take high risk when cheating with public cheat, but yea you really are an unlucky person.
I did not get any bans on active smurf using poly hacks.
Be sure to use the cheats as they are made for, re-compile every game / launch cheat only when game is fully loaded (connected on server) for polyhacks.
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I want to know how not banned before the others I'm tried the encryption of RAM.
USB Hack move into the first turn and Anti-virus COMODO.
But when I tried to use the command CMD (fsutil usn deletejournal / D C  VAC kicked out of the VAC Server because my computer trying to block its work.
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Encryption / Pack / protection is really useless in my opinion.
fsutil deletejournal is now usefull anymore as vac removed their dns history lookup on your local pc (and it won't protect you from using detected cheats ^^) I just suggest you to not use any public cheat 3 days or more after they have been posted.
If you really wanna cheat long term & often, then get a paid private cheat or code your own.
The really best way to NOT get detected is to code your own cheat that you & only you own. (don't even need any encryption / protection / hiding / antivirus special configuration etc...) cause vac just don't even know about it.
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Can you recommend a Web cheating for me.
The reason I can not afford a private cheat because I could not do it because there is no credit card, Paypal, because I was too young for my country and I'm not Career, I can not be bought.
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Well then you'll have to wait, unfortunately I can't tell you any good website, there's a lot different, the only good ones I did own are now down. The thing is... private cheat website are not really private. Every well known paid cheat website will get VAC detection on their cheats every x months or so.. because vac just pay their cheats to detect them.
I suggest you to find some private cheat talking with other people (but you must do it with caution as there's a lot of scammers).
Anyway if you have no paypal / no creditcard / no bitcoin / no skrill you won't get anything paid on the internet x)
Update / Mise a jour
version 9.1.4
- Offset mis à jour
- Attention ce cheat comporte toujours de grand risque de ban.
19-07-2016, 15:52
(Modification du message : 19-07-2016, 15:52 par fpctm.)
Il aura tenu ^^
C'est déjà bien 8 mois pour un cheat public
Update / Mise a jour
- Mise a jour des offsets
- ESP affiche maintenant les ennemis avec 1HP (pour faire des frags a la flashbang  )
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">Update / Mise a jour
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">v9.1.6
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">- Offset mis a jour
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">- Nouvelle signature
j'ai un probléme rien ne se passe quand je lance le cheat quelqun pour teamviewer?

<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">Update / Mise a jour
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">v9.1.7
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">- Offset mis a jour
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">- Ennemis Glow ESP en blanc si le joueur a 1HP
<p style="color:rgb(90,88,84);font-family:tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(253,250,247);">- Triggerbot raccourci clavier customizable (F2 pour activé/désactivé, F10 pour choisir une touche qui activera le triggerbot lorsque maintenue enfoncée).
c'est bizarre je me suis fait ban mais c'est surement de ma faute
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Quel type de ban, screenshot en jeu
Je ne pense pas que ca vienne de polymeme 9.1.7 cette version est fraîche de 3h
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T'inquiète j'ai été ban avec une ancienne version il y a plus ou moins 4-5 mois
08-08-2016, 23:31
(Modification du message : 08-08-2016, 23:37 par Bary.)
Impossible de télécharger le fichier zip.
Ca me met que le fichier est introuvable sur le site.
Oups ! Quelque chose s’est mal passé !
<div style="margin:0px;">[#10173]
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Besoin d’aide ?
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Effectivement ^^ Il faut attendre que UzGz remette le fichier
Update / Mise a jour
version 9.1.8
- Offset mis a jour
- Slowaim non fonctionel pour le moment
(Fichier pièce jointe re uploadé)
si je fais bien attention je me fait pas ban ? parce que j'ai vu "Attention ce cheat comporte toujours de grand risque de ban."
100% vac ban son utilisation?