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Vente / WTS Accuont with Genuine pin close to prime .

- Grade / Rank :  MG1

- Nombre de victoires : 14

- Heures de jeu : 60

- Level Steam : 10

- Utilisation de cheat : No





On steam at :

Price : 15 euro : paysafe/paypal/skins/

TKX Membres Elite
Are u serious ? You are a selling a vac account for 15E?
[Image: 1515175486-screenshot-2.jpg]

Its my main lol ? and its vacced tf2 ,acc what i sell its not vacced

TKX Membres Elite
Proof of the TF2 Vac? ........
[Image: 1515175486-screenshot-2.jpg]

what da fuck dude ,i dont sell my main lvl 101 i sell lvl 10 acc and its not vacced whats wrong with u ?

TKX Membres Elite
We just need a proof about the ban, yesterday there was a CS:GO vac wave, and you are vac ban.
It can be confusing
[Image: 1515175486-screenshot-2.jpg]

Citation caché.
ou Inscription pour voir ce contenu ! C'est rapide ;)

i know i put u link,but u dont understand i dont sell main acc ,its my main never sell it ,and tf2 vac ,i sell lvl 10 acc profile is clear .

TKX Membres Elite
Oh my bad, sorry, ^^...................
[Image: 1515175486-screenshot-2.jpg]

Hello ,acc still for sale i rly need money ,bump !

Hi,accs till for sale ! UP ! Acc is now MGE !

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